Token Armies is here. 

The first visionary creation by Antony Hamilton as Artistic Director of Chunky Move. Presented by Chunky Move and Arts House in association with Creature Technology Company. Commissioned by Melbourne International Arts Festival.

Token Armies is a bold statement of the kind of work new Artistic Director Antony Hamilton champions: dance that goes beyond the boundaries of the individual body, making porous the barriers that divide humans from each other and the natural and artificial worlds in which we move.

Token Armies merges the body with objects and is a living sculpture of many parts. It intertwines the biological with the mechanical, and the audience itself becomes part of the flux of materiality flowing in and out of the work. It uses sound, image and action to evoke a narrative of labour transformed into ritual, and of technology taking on totemic power,” explains Hamilton. 

Hamilton continues, “The collaboration also brings together the creative voices of emerging Sound Designer Aviva Endean, Lighting Designer Bosco Shaw, and long time creative partner Costume Designer Paula Levis, to drive the unified vision of this immersive world.”