Anna Seymour

Anna Seymour is a Deaf Australian-born dance artist, actress, and producer based in London.

Anna lived in Melbourne for 14 years prior to moving to London in 2020 to join Candoco Dance Company.

Candoco is an international dance company of disabled and non-disabled dancers. With Candoco, she has performed and toured the company’s repertory in the UK, Europe, America and the UAE. Dance works include Set and Reset/Reset by Trisha Brown Company, Face In by Yasmeen Godder and Last Shelter by Jeanine Durning. Candoco is currently creating a new work with Dan Daw Creative Projects for touring in 2025.

As an actress, Anna performed in a BSL version of Vagina Monologues and The Promise with Deafinitely Theatre, and in a thriller feature film RETREAT, directed by Ted Evans with an all-Deaf lead cast.